👋 Hey there - I'm Jedda Wignall.

I'm a technology & security specialist based in Melbourne, Australia, with a focus on and passion for Apple platform management, identity & trust, and cybersecurity risk governance.

With over 15 years of experience in technology consulting, I've had the privilege of working with some of Australia's most exciting 📈 startups, esteemed 🎓 schools, and treasured 🎪 arts & cultural organisations.

I hold a CISSP certification and am a member of ISC2 and the Australian Information Security Association (AISA). Day to day, I'm the 👔 General Manager & principal consulting engineer at Beyond the Box, however any opinions voiced here are my own and not those of my employer.

You can find me on LinkedIn, GitHub, infosec.exchange & the Mac Admins Slack channel.

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